英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2024-05-27 21:47:13
  • 双语例句


1. At the same conference, the International Power Boating Association announced it would work with Shenzhen to set up a powerboat driving school in the city.

2. Adventure attractions are endless and include motor bike tours, parasailing, sky diving, hot air ballooning, jet skiing, power boating, helicopter tours, go karting and motor racing.

3. USPS 美国邮政- GO --往- US Power Squadrons, non profit boating educational group dedicated to making boating safer.

4. " We cannot be considered a true sporting power unless we bring swimming, athletics and boating sports up to speed in time for the2008 Beijing Games, " she said, quoting a Chinese team mantra.

5. These include familiar sports, such as golf and rugby, as well as more unusual sports, such as polo and power boating.

These include familiar sports, such as golf and rugby, as well as more unusual sports, such as polo and power boating.(这些被淘汰的内容包括高尔夫、榄球等一些大家所熟悉的项目,以及像马球、艇等一些不那么常见的运动项目。)
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